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St. Viator Admissions Process

We believe in cultivating tomorrow’s global citizens.


Thank you for your interest in St. Viator Elementary School! We are pleased to assist you with the admissions process. We work hard to accommodate all families who seek an excellent Catholic education within our safe and welcoming community. Your child’s admissions process begins with a completed school application, a copy of their birth certificate, and a $100 application fee.

  • Click here to view and print the school application.


Over the past few years, we have had a waitlist for certain grades. We encourage you to submit your paperwork as soon as possible. Please review the information about the admission documents and tuition assistance for those demonstrating financial need.


A printable list of all required documents, along with expected dates for the admissions schedule for the 2023-2024 academic year here.


Please contact the St. Viator Admissions Director, William Teeple, with any questions or concerns you might have about the application process: or (773) 545-2173.  



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