St. Viator 1st through 3rd Grade
At St. Viator School, we balance developmental growth with academic achievement throughout our Primary Grades. The Archdiocese of Chicago developed our core curriculum in alignment with the Illinois State & National Standards. Classroom instruction addresses the whole child – mind, body, and spirit while providing the basis for abstract, higher-level thinking. Students complete iReady assessments three times each year. The Curriculum Director and Teachers monitor each student for growth within Reading and Math. Classroom instruction and curriculum are adjusted according to the data findings. We watch our Primary grade students become confident learners and role models for others as they grow their sense of personal accomplishment and their self-assurance.
STEAM Curriculum
Math and Science occupy a prominent place in Primary School instruction as hands-on activities, inquiry-based units, technology-integration, and cooperative learning are employed. Primary Grade students are eligible to participate in a STEAM Night each year. This is an evening filled with activities highlighting Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.
Our Primary Grade students work with specialists in physical education, computer, music, and library classes (referred to as “specials”). We teach fine arts through our unique Art Zone program. Primary Care students are assigned an ipad to supplement their book learning. We believe that technology enhances the learning experience, so we blend it into our traditional classroom structure.
Foreign Language Learning
St. Viator School values world language learning at all levels. We insure each language program adheres to state and national standards. Those in grades 1-3 have the choice of studying Spanish with our Spanish teacher or begin utilizing our World Language Lab to learn a different language. We utilize the Mango Language Learning app to offer students a many choices in language instruction.
Reading Program
Student utilize the educational technology tool, Lexia, to support their reading skills. Lexia adapts, based on student input, to meet the student where s/he is learning. The challenging Junior Great Books (JGB) program is introduced to our accelerated readers in Kindergarten and continues through the 8th grade. Taught by our Reading Specialist, JGB gives children an opportunity to read advanced literature and discuss in-depth themes in a group setting.
Faith Education
Children are introduced to Catholic Mass in preschool, and begin to attend and participate in Mass regularly in Kindergarten. Students in all grade levels participate in daily classroom prayer, grade-specific prayer services in the school, and all-school masses and prayer services held inside the Church. Students are introduced to the traditions of our Catholic faith such as Advent, Lent, the Stations of the Cross and the Liturgical Seasons. Students prepare for, and receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in 2nd grade.
Program Information
Primary Grade instruction is five days (M-T-W-Th-F) a week
The school day is from 7:50am – 3:00pm
All Primary Students wear the school uniform
Conflict resolution tactics and anti-bullying techniques taught with the Peace Builders program
iReady assessments three times each year
Lexia for reading support and challenge