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8th Grade Ribbon Ceremony


St. Viator Elementary parents, students, and teachers, as well as parishioners of Sts. Viator & Wenceslaus parish, gathered for Wednesday morning Mass and to celebrate an important milestone.

The St. Viator Eighth Grade students, our class of 2024, celebrated their “Ribbon Ceremony” this week. Dr. Rieger explained to the congregation that the ribbons represent the last 8 years of the students’ learning, growth, change, and formation. She detailed, “They are symbols of their past accomplishments, upcoming graduation, and the future challenges they will face.”

Fr. Ben blessed the ribbons, connecting their significance to The Pentecost and the reminder to act as a spirit-filled person.

The 8th graders were called to the front where Mrs. Bloom and Mrs. Sutfin pinned the ribbons to their shirts.

The Ribbon Ceremony moves the 8th grade class closer to graduation.

The 8th grade class has more activities planned to celebrate and finalize their St. Viator experience.

Congratulations to our 8th graders, and many thanks to everyone helping them reach their goals!

We are Peace Builders; We are Eagles; We are St. Viator!


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