Lent and the Easter season are a great time to live out the idea of "service to others". St. Viator Elementary School Students engaged that theme with a variety of Lenten Projects. We want to highlight a particular project that the 5th Grade "Kindness Crew" developed and completed.

The Kindness Crew hosted a school-wide pet food and pet supply drive in support of the Irving Park Community Food Pantry (IPCFP). Mrs. Iannelli, the 5th Grade Homeroom Teacher, helped the crew design a challenge that engaged the entire school. The different classes brought in canned pet food and supplies, competing to see who could collect the most!

Mrs. Yoest, St. Viator Parent and IPCFP volunteer, coordinated the delivery effort. The Kindness Crew loaded Mrs. Yoest's car with the pet food, treats, small toys, and supplies from the St. Viator Elementary School classes! She then delivered everything to the Irving Park Community Food Pantry. Thank you for acting as the go-between Mrs. Yoest!Â
We are grateful to our teachers, like Mrs. Iannelli, who inspire students to act on behalf of others. We are grateful to our parents, like Mrs. Yoest, who help connect St. Viator Elementary School with our community neighbors. Many thanks to the 5th grade Kindness Crew for initiating this project to benefit the Irving Park Community Food Pantry. We hope this project gave you much to reflect upon! And may we all have much to reflect upon during this Holy Week!

If you are a prospective parent interested in learning more about St. Viator Elementary School, please contact our Main Office at (773) 545-2173. We would love to share more information about the school and the ways that we develop a student's mind, body, and spirit!
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