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Preschool Lenten Project

St. Viator Elementary School is so pleased to share another Lenten Project, this time from our youngest learners!

Preschool students hosted a sock drive to benefit the Irving Park Community Food Pantry. They collected over 200 pairs of socks to send to the IPCFP, who will offer them to their clients! Thank you to the students and the families who sent in socks!

Once again, Mrs. Yoest helped with the connection and the logistics for the project. According to Mrs. Yoest, students were very excited about the project and enjoyed telling her all about it! Our thanks go out to her. Many thanks to our Preschool teachers for showing students how to live generously and work to help others. And thank you to the Irving Park Community Food Pantry for connecting with us, and for serving the needs of the larger community.

Service projects, such as the Sock Drive, show St. Viator Elementary Students that anyone can lend a hand and contribute to the greater good. Service is not only for the older students. If you would like to learn more about St. Viator Elementary School and our service opportunities, please contact our Main Office at (773) 545-2173. If you are a prospective parent looking for school information, please call the Office to request a school tour.

We are Peace Builders; We are Eagles; We are St. Viator!


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