Today is officially Teacher Appreciation Day! And while we appreciate our teachers every day, today we make it a point to say "Thank you" to the St. Viator Elementary School Educators!

St. Viator Elementary School re-opened for in-person learning in August 2020. Many people cooperate to keep us open, and today we focus on our teachers. Our in-person teachers have helped to establish a safe and loving learning environment here at St. Viator Elementary School. Our remote teachers have created a warm and nurturing community for families that have elected to have their children learn away from the building.

Throughout this year, our St. Viator Elementary School teachers have worked with parents and staff to provide a measure of normalcy for our children. Day after day, they are the ones accompanying the students, navigating the restrictions and requirements. Inside the school walls, they are "making it happen" so St. Viator Elementary School students can focus on learning in classroom settings, in-person or remote, where they feel safe.

Principal Lisa Rieger wrote in her recent newsletter, "I owe a debt of gratitude for the daily commitment that each and every teacher and staff member has made to keeping our school vibrant, safe, and healthy. There is a level of heroism that I am privileged to witness in our school building and in our remote classrooms that can only be explained as a miracle." Wow, that is well-deserved and spot-on praise for our St. Viator Elementary School Teachers!

The commitment that St. Viator Elementary School teachers demonstrate shows on students' faces, but also in their academic achievement. School administrators look to this year's test scores for empirical data that our teachers are strong educators - they're pretty awesome! And make no mistake, they also know how to have fun and make learning fun too!

We are proud of all of teachers and their many accomplishments. Some, like Second Grade teacher "Ms. Mac", have earned recognition from the Archdiocese for their excellence.

Many others enjoy the daily gratification of a smiling student who "got it" while working through a challenge. We are proud of all of our teachers' achievements, from the grand to the subtle.
Our teachers shape and positively influence our students each day. There simply isn't space enough to show photos of all of our teachers, or to highlight all of their great work. Please join us during this Teacher Appreciation Week, and especially today, in acknowledging them. Help us thank them for everything they bring to their classrooms, and to St. Viator Elementary School, every day. If you see your child's teacher today, or even if you see a teacher who you haven't met (yet), be sure to thank them for their caring, hard working, brave commitment to our school and to our students.

Thank you to all of the Teachers at St. Viator Elementary School!