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Thank You Dr. Rieger!


October is National Principals Month, and this week, October 15-October 20, is Principal Appreciation Week. Friday, October 20th is officially Principal Appreciation Day. This is a great time to say "thank you" to our Principal, Dr. Lisa Rieger!

Dr. Rieger joined St. Viator Elementary School in July of 2018. In a letter to the St. Viator Families, Dr. Rieger wrote, "I am excited and eager to bring my skills as an educational leader to St. Viator School and work with you as a partner in education and in the spiritual formation of your beautiful children." We have witnessed that partnership as Dr Rieger led the school through the Covid pandemic, continued changes in our Chicago neighborhoods, and the leadership changes in our Parish.

Dr. Rieger explores current Educational Technology ("EdTech") tools, continually searching for the best software to serve St. Viator students. At the same time she champions reading and good old books to balance the learning equation. In 2020, she was awarded the "St. John the Baptist Innovation Award" from the Archdiocese of Chicago for her continued work improving St. Viator Elementary School. Her own development since joining St. Viator includes earning her Master's Degree, then her Doctorate of Education, from Loyola University - going from "Mrs." to "Dr. Rieger"!

Ever faithful to the school motto that "We believe in developing the Mind, Body, and Soul", Dr. Rieger has embraced our community and fosters St. Viator's legacy of success. Dr. Rieger supports existing school programs like intramural sports and social activities, while searching for additional enrichment and after-school activities for students. She consistently ensures that St. Viator students are supported in a faith-filled environment by sharing her faith and knowledge with the students.

The list of Dr. Rieger's contributions to St. Viator Elementary School goes on, so please take time this week to share your gratitude with Dr. Rieger for her hard work on behalf of our school and our students. Let's show her our appreciation with cards, hand-shakes, well-wishes and other gestures as we celebrate her.

Thank you Dr. Rieger - we appreciate you!

We are Peace Builders; We are Eagles; We are St. Viator!


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