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Art Zone Open House 2023!


It was a beautiful morning to welcome current and potential families to St. Viator Elementary School during our annual Art Zone Open House on Sunday, April 2!

We are blessed to have this monthly fine arts program at St. Viator Elementary School. A dedicated group of parent volunteers started this program in 1997, and dedicated parent volunteers keep it running now!

Visitors walked the halls, admiring the art pieces created by our students during the year. Each month's project is inspired by a different famous artist and style. Students presented their decorated self-portraits and two additional pieces of their choice.

Teachers were available in their classrooms speaking with students and parents.

Students walked throughout the building, searching for their artwork and showing it to their families.

Potential families came through for tours, and new families enrolled their children. All enjoyed this wonderful aspect of St. Viator Elementary School first-hand. Staff and parent volunteers fielded questions all around the school - the building was abuzz with activity!

Thank you to all who came to celebrate the talents of our students. Thank you to the teachers and staff for your availability early on a Sunday morning - Palm Sunday at that!

Thank you to the parents who worked to make the day a success helping out as tour guides, donating goodies for the reception, and keeping the event running.

Special thanks goes out to the Art Zone Committee and volunteers! Their monthly preparation and coordination makes this program great. The hours of sorting, mounting, and hanging our students' artwork set the stage for this excellent event! Again, this program is a blessing to St. Viator Elementary School that the entire student body enjoys.

If you are interested in helping with Art Zone next school year, please contact the Main Office, they can direct you to the Art Zone Committee for more information. Start thinking about next school year to see if you can volunteer with your child's (or children's) class during their Art Zone session! All parents are invited to help Art Zone thrive!

We are Peace Builders; We are Eagles; We are St. Viator!


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