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Kindness Crew in Action!


Mrs. Yoest, tenured St. Viator Mom and Irving Park Food Pantry Volunteer, worked with Mrs. Iannelli, St. Viator Mom and the 5th Grade Homeroom Teacher, to organize a school clothing drive to support the Irving Park Food Pantry (IPFP). Specifically, a hat, glove (and mitten), and scarf drive to help clients prepare for the coming winter.

Mrs. Iannelli's Kindess Crew (also known as her 5th Grade class) does different kind things around the school. Sometimes, they welcome students to the Monday Morning Assembly, greeting them with cheers. Other times, they provide an afternoon snack to teachers. For this project, the Kindness Crew publicized the cold weather gear drive, then they organized boxes to collect the items. They tallied each classroom's donations, then got everything ready for pickup.

The school did an amazing job with this drive! St. Viator students collected nearly 1,000 items in total! The boxes were packed full! Officer staff helped the Kindness Crew make a plan so they could carry all of the donations.

Mrs. Iannelli announced a friendly competition among the classes. The leading classroom kept shifting as the week went on, with everyone working to bring in the most donations and win a pizza and movie party! At the final tally, Ms. Endre's class in Room 207 won the challenge. Congratulations, 3rd Grade!

Thank you to Mrs. Iannelli and her 5th Grade Kindness Crew for organizing the St. Viator Hat, Glove, and Scarf Drive. We are proud of her students and their generosity. Thank you to Mrs. Yoest for continuing to offer great projects for St. Viator students. And thank you to all of our families who sent in cold weather gear. The clients of the IPFP will weather the winter better with your help!

We are Peace Builders; We are Eagles; We are St. Viator!


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