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Before School Care

7:00 - 8:00am

Before school care is located in the lunchroom of the school building.


$5.00 per child per day


Cereal, toast and juice are served each morning as part of our program. Students are encouraged to have something to eat before going up to their classes.

After School Care

3:00 - 6:00pm

After school care gathers in the lunchroom of the school building. Students are divided by age and sent to different classrooms for their stay.

$15.00 per day for the first child
$12.00 per day for each additional child

An after school snack will be offered to each child.

Half Day After School Care

11:30 - 6:00pm

Kid Care is available on October 3rd, 2024 for Parent Teacher Conferences

-early dismissal at 11:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.

Please note the higher fee does not include morning Kid Care.

$20.00 for the first child
$17.00 for each additional child

Children are required to supply their own lunch on these days

-hot lunch is not provided-

Late Fees

$10 for every 15 minutes

The Kid Care program is open until 6:00 p.m. each day we are in session. At 6:01 p.m. a late fee charge becomes effective. Late fees are to be paid in cash immediately to the attendant caring for your child. Kid Care employees are not paid by St. Viator after 6:00 p.m. Kid Care does not refund money or credit accounts from week to week.


Parent Responsibilities


Weekly attendance form may be brought into the office, sent via your child’s homeroom folder, or emailed
Forms are available in the school office, or with this link:


Payments will be added to your FACTS account under ’Incidental Expenses/KidCare.

In case of illness, parents will be contacted and expected to pick up their child as soon as possible. We do
not have provisions for children to lie down, nor can KidCare dispense medicine.

Each child registered in KidCare must be covered under a medical insurance policy.

Children will not be allowed to leave KidCare to participate in other school activities, athletic
practices, enrichment clubs, etc. without proper written authorization with a parent signature.

Children will be released only to authorized persons on the KidCare Release Form.

KidCare is an extension of the school. Proper behavior is mandatory and school policies apply. KidCare
reserves the right to refuse any child whose needs cannot be met.


KidCare Phone Number (773) 283-5880


The KidCare phone is for business use only. Please refrain from calling KidCare to speak to your child. The
phone should be used for emergencies only.

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