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Toys for Tots Drive


Our beloved Mary Pat Serpone, St. Viator Elementary School Alumna (class of '69), former preschool aide, Old Irving Park resident, and wonderful human being, organized a toy drive at St. Viator Elementary School to bring Christmas joy to a whole bunch of kids! She learned that her doctor would not be participating in this year’s Toys for Tots Motorcycle Rally for the first time in 20 years (he typically decorated his motorcycle and dressed up as Santa’s elf). Ms. Mary Pat spoke with St. Viator School Principal, Dr. Rieger, and Mrs. Bloom, 8th Grade Homeroom Teacher and National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) Coordinator, and organized a toy collection on her doctor's behalf.

The Marine Corps Reserve gave Ms. Mary Pat 6 boxes for the toy donations. She planned for Mrs. Bloom and the NJHS members to manage the toy drive from December 2nd through December 9th. And manage it, they did! The students waited for school families at the morning drop off, collecting the donated toys, even in cold weather!

The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, an IRS recognized 501 (c)(3) tax exempt not-for-profit charity, is the authorized fundraising and support organization for the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program. The mission of the Foundation is to assist the U.S. Marine Corps in providing a tangible sign of hope to economically disadvantaged children at Christmas. Toys for Tots is the Marine Corps’ premier community action program.

This past Monday, December 9th, Lance Corporal Contreras, from the Marine Corps Reserves, joined our Monday Morning Assembly. He accepted the SIX BOXES of toys that the school collected!

Lance Corporal Contreras let the St. Viator students know how important their donations were for disadvantaged children. Ms. Mary Pat and her husband, Frank, were there for the presentation.

Thank you, St. Viator Families, for your generous support of the Toys for Tots toy drive. What an exciting, awesome, collection! Thank you, Dr. Rieger, Mrs. Bloom, and the NJHS members, for handling the toy drive. Thank you, Lance Corporal Contreras, for delivering the toys on our behalf. And thank you, Ms. Mary Pat, for organizing this amazing opportunity for our St. Viator Community!

We are Peace Builders; We are Eagles; We are St. Viator!


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