St. Viator Elementary School gathers in the gym every Monday morning to start our week together. We have shared about "Monday Morning Meetings" before, where Dr. Rieger shares reflections on the Gospel, school news, and community events. We have also shared the "Shout Outs", where student achievements are recognized in front of the assembly.

Today, Dr. Rieger was excited to shout out our First Grade students who have "levelled up" in Lexia. Our Kindergarten through 2nd Grade classes use the Lexia app for reading practice, in addition to traditional books and classroom learning. Students progress, or level up, as they demonstrate mastery of a particular reading skill.

Congratulations to Cameron A., DJ McC., Leia N., Millie O'C., Anastasia S., Frank G., and Eliana D.! All of these students have recently levelled up, and continue to push themselves! And Congratulations to Mrs. Herrera, our First Grade Teacher! Keep motivating your students to succeed!

Dr. Rieger also recognized the 2024 Scholastic Bowl Team, made up of Middle School students. This year's team is Aubrey, Elizabeth Jackson, Luke, Tommy, Andy, and Grace G. - we wish them well for tomorrow's event! DePaul College Prep is hosting the Scholastic Bowl this Tuesday, October 22nd, starting at 5:30PM. All are welcome to attend the event and support our Eagles!

Monday Morning Meetings start our week off right: gathered as a community, reflecting on our faith readings, and celebrating our successes. May your week start off just as well!
We are Peace Builders; We are Eagles; We are St. Viator!